Office retail la gi
Office retail la gi

The second phase includes non VAT registered traders administered under The Tax Administration Act 2015, Implementation of the second phase of Electronic Fiscal Devise (EFD) begun since year 2013, with the aim to expand the number of traders who shall use the EFD system to issue receipts or tax invoice in every transaction made. The supplier of the machine will install, configure and attend the malfunctioning of the machine within 48 hours You are obliged to issue receipt or invoice on each sale and notify any changes/malfunctioning of the machine to Commissioner within 24 hours. It is connected to a pump and printed every receipt during the sale transactions. The device is designed for use in Petrol Stations. The device uses a special computer program to generate a unique number (Signature) which is appended to and printed to every invoice issued by the user’s system.

office retail la gi office retail la gi

The device is designed to authenticate by signing any personal computer (PC) produced financial document such as tax invoice. It is connected to a computer network and stores every sale transactions or details made in its fiscal memory. The device is used by computerized retail outlets. The device is used by retail business that issue receipts manually.

office retail la gi

Types of Electronic Fiscal Devices (EFDs) Electronic Fiscal Device (EFD) means a machine designed for use in business for efficient management controls in areas of sales analysis and stock control system and which conforms to the requirements specified by the laws.

Office retail la gi