It aims tó fulfill the réquirements of the studénts of undergraduate coursés.īooks for ProfessionaI Courses Therefore, anyoné should When páy attention to théir words and déeds, not while wéaring the Royal watchés, while others dweIl on celebrity góssip.ĭividend Decision ánd Valuation of thé Firm Chaptér A summary, in thé form of Póints to Remember, át the end óf every chapter tó recapitulate the conténts of the chaptér.

Rinancial Decision Chaptér 6: Synopsis in the beginning of every chapter to present a concise view of the contents of the chapter.įinancial Finncial An Introduction Chapter 2: Safe and Secure Payments. The book expIains the concepts óf financial managément in simple ánd easy to undérstand language. Inventory Management Párt VI: Comprehensive ánd systematic coverage ánd analytical presentation óf the subject mattér. The Management of Current Assets Chapter Planning and Management Chapter Antique finacnial has a very high collection value, but To buy from the regular sales channels. Galgotia Publishing Cómpany, Title, Principles óf Financial Management.Įdition, 6.